Families and Friends are Forever

Monday, 11 January 2010

Growth Scan result today

well, our baby has grown heaps since the last scan almost 5 weeks ago, he doubled his weight since, i burst into tears when the sonographer told me that he's now weighing a whopping 8lbs 11ozs already (3.946kg), i'm getting worried about how to push him out i hope we'll be both okay, but aside from his weight everything is normal, heart action is present, presentation is cephalic (head down). Amniotic fluid: volume is normal, Placenta: position is anterior, not low, structure is normal, a limited fetal morphology assessment did not reveal any abnormality, fluid is seen in the fetal stomach and bladder.

Summary of ultrasound findings: Growth progressing on the 90th centile.

Conclusion: Large for gestational age.

In 4 days time i'm going back to see the obstretician and we'll start planning about the birth, so i hope baby comes out at the end of this week or early next week... I hope i can last till then..but my main concern is my baby, i feel like he's super cramped up in there, i feel so sorry for him, i'm only small so he doesnt really have anymore room in my tummy to grow..I think he wants to be out very soon, i dont want him traumatized, all i want is a healthy and a safe delivery, anyway i'll let you all know on Thursday.

signing out..


Tam said...

Irene, don't panic too much, those growth scans can be off by anwhere up to 10 percent - Ariana's had her weighing only 840 grams at our scan two days before she was born, and she weighed in at 1.2kilos - and way longer than anyone expected. You'll be fine, you have great doctors and God's looking out for you :) can't wait to hear he has arrived safely for you, i'm very excited for you both. Take care xox

The Hart's said...

that's what i'm hoping Tam, i got so scared becausei'm not sure what to do when i'm there..but you're right, it's only an estimated weight afterall:) i should have more faith and leave it to Him:) thanks so much again, i hope that you're all good..xox